Musical Compositions

Musical Compositions

“These compositions reflect the musical creativity of one of the foremost cantors of our time. The liturgical style and numerous melodies woven into each selection demonstrate Cantor Kowarsky’s ability to synthesize the best of our Chazzanic East European tradition with a flair of modern musical taste.

Cantor A. Eliezer Kirshblum – Past president, Toronto Council of Hazzanim.

In the tradition of all the great cantors and composers, Paul Kowarsky has

the ability to meld the florid style of Eastern European hazzanut with the melodic song-like style so much in vogue in today’s synagogue music. What makes his music special, however, is that he never stoops to the banal, and throughout, one feels a sincere effort to convey the meaning of the text.

Cantor Jerome B. Kopmar – Internationally renowned Cantor and composer.