Cantorial Certificates

In 1962, after returning to South Africa from Yeshiva and Cantorial studies with Chazen Leib Glantz, Dean of the Tel Aviv Cantorial Academy, Paul Kowarsky was awarded a Bursary to further his Cantorial studies in South Africa. He studied Chazanut with Chazen Shlomo Mandel and Voice Production with Francis Russell.

Prior to leaving S.A. to take up his position as Chazen of Congregation Beth Ora in Montreal, Canada in 1976, Cantor Kowarsky received commendations from Chazen Shlomo Mandel, Francis Russell and Rabbi I. Aloy, who was his Rabbi since childhood.

In 1982, after completing the required studies and examinations, Paul Kowarsky was formally inducted as a Cantor-Hazzan, Minister of the Jewish Faith by The Cantors Assembly of America in a Graduation Awards Ceremony in New York.

In 1989, Chazen Paul Kowarsky was awarded a Diploma designating him a Master Cantor by the American Foundation for the Advancement of Cantorial Arts.

In 1992, Paul Kowarsky was awarded a Certificate designating him as an Honorary Fellow of the Cantors Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

The Commendations and Awards are below.  Click on an image for a larger version.